Vocabulary Building Studies
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Listen to the text once more and write the correct vocabulary into the blanks correctly.
Step 14 - Air Rage

People that work for airlines   ( syn: to ) say that air rage  is a growing   ( syn: to ) problem. Air rage is when a passenger   ( syn: to ) on a plane gets mad   ( syn: to ) and starts acting   ( syn: to ) badly. This is a problem that needs to be fixed   ( syn: to ) for the safety   ( syn: to ) of everyone on the plane.

Sometimes angry  
 ( syn: to ) passengers yell at   ( syn: to ) the flight attendants   ( syn: to ) . Flight attendants have had food thrown at them. Some of them have even been grabbed and hit.

It can be dangerous  
 ( syn: to ) to have a passenger that is out-of-control on a plane. The safety of the workers and passengers can be in jeopardy   ( syn: to ) . Airline workers want something to be done to protect   ( syn: to ) everyone.

Workers want the airlines to train  
 ( syn: to ) them better to deal with   ( syn: to ) angry passengers. They also want to have equipment   ( syn: to ) available to restrain   ( syn: to ) abusive  passengers. They hope that these things could help protect themselves and everyone on the plane.

 ( syn: to ) for acting badly on a plane is getting stricter   ( syn: to ) . People that assault   ( syn: to ) an airline worker will be fined   ( syn: to ) a lot of money. They can even be put in prison   ( syn: to ) for up to 20 years.

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