Vocabulary Building Studies
It is strongly suggested to use Google Crome or Apple Safari to benefit visually efficiently.
Listen to the text once more and write the correct vocabulary into the blanks correctly.
Step 14 - Paragraphs for Natural and Applied Sciences-5

The US company, "Scientific Applications and Research Associates" (SARA) Inc, has developed crowd-dispersal weapons for the US military that generate high-intensity sound waves. Sound levels of 120 to 130 decibels cause pain and blurred vision; above 140 decibels, sound produces profound discomfort throughout the body. Ear plugs are no protection. These acoustic systems have a directed beam, projecting the sound in a narrow fan. They include high-intensity sound generators with power levels of up to 60 kilowatts and are combustion driven, using a series of small explosions to create a noise or drive a siren or whistle.
