Vocabulary Building Studies
It is strongly suggested to use Google Crome or Apple Safari to benefit visually efficiently.
Listen to the text once more and write the correct vocabulary into the blanks correctly.
Step 14 - Paragraphs for Social Sciences-7

 The young childs reliance on visual impressions is made clear by an experiment on the conservation of number. If two rows of checkers are matched one for one against each other, young children will say, correctly, that the rows have the same number of checkers. If the checkers in one row are brought closer together to form a cluster, 5-year-olds say there are now more checkers in the straight row, even though no checkers have been removed. The visual impression of a long row of checkers overrides the numerical equality that was obvious when the checkers appeared in matching rows. In contrast, 7- year-olds assume that if the number of objects was equal before, it must remain equal. At this age, numerical equality has become more significant than visual impression.

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